Cesar Chavez on the West Steps in March 1966 at the conclusion of his March to Sacramento for farmworker rights. Demonstrations like this will be impossible if the Visitor Center is built as planned.
We’ve seen the pictures of trees in undersized transplanting boxes and fencing around our beautiful Capitol complex. But our fight against this misguided project is NOT OVER. What’s at stake?
- 100+ trees lost
- West Steps and Plaza destroyed for Visitor Center
- Incredible cost and scope increases from original plans
- Building a second parking garage for the Legislature when a new garage is built and paid for ½ block away
- Integrity and transparency in government
Here’s what is going on, and HOW YOU CAN HELP. Please share to your network and social media – word of mouth is crucial.
Two lawsuits are active. Thanks to support from you, vigorous legal action is in the works. We need any amount you can offer – repeat donations are welcome. This project can and must be improved!
Checks made out to the California Capitol Historic Preservation Society, may be mailed to Post Office Box 188155 Sacramento CA 95818, or you may donate using a credit card at the button below.
Donate to California Capitol Historic Preservation Society
The California State Legislature's Capitol Annex Project will dramatically reshape the Historic State Capitol and damage the surrounding Capitol Park and its gathering spaces.
This project will cost over $1.2 billion plus at least $250 million in interest on the bonds during a time when California is facing job losses, budget deficits, and extreme wildfires.
The project will:
- demolish and replace the Legislature's existing Historic Capitol Annex Building, even though it is on the National Register of Historic Places
- excavate the West Plaza of the Capitol to build an underground visitor center; and
- excavate and build an underground parking garage in Capitol Park exclusively for Legislators and high-ranking Executive officials
The Project will cost $1 billion. It will be built as the State is facing multiple crises of Pandemic, recession, catastrophic wildfires, and disruption of education and commerce at all levels.
The trees of California State Capitol Park are unique specimens from around the world. Many were planted over 150 years ago and tower over 100 feet high, providing beauty, shade and respite for local residents, workers, and visitors alike. Although the Project design is evolving, the work will remove up to 100 of these lovely and historic giants. The public has not been told which trees will be saved, cut down, or endangered.
The Project will destroy the broad vista of the West Plaza - long the gathering place for Californians who petition their government.
The project will destroy a Nationally registered Historic Building, a wonderful example of Mid-century Modern architecture.
What's worse is this Project was planned with minimal public input or communication. Documents have been withheld from the public and watchdog groups.

Public Accountability for Our Capitol
PAC - Find Out More
Our Hardworking Team
We are a team of volunteer citizens
working to preserve our Capitol and Park
PURPOSE: To develop press, public opinion, and legal pressure to get key legislators to replan the Capitol Annex Project to:
- Save money to reflect the prolonged health, climate change, and economic crises California is facing
- Reassess legislative space needs in light of increased telecommuting
- Welcome public scrutiny and input
- Avoid the loss of trees and parkland due to a parking garage
- Reassess the need for a new visitor center.
- Keep the West public gathering space intact
- Make the proposed new Annex exterior design compatible with the 1860’s capitol design, and
- Fully address the concerns of impacted Tribal Communities.


SAC Valley

Sierra Club
Sacramento Tree Foundation

Trees for Sacramento

Preservation Sacramento

California Preservation Foundation

Sacramento City of Trees
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Contact us at any time to discuss this vital issue for the state Capitol
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+1 (916) 217 4386